Promise of Speed, Prospect of Blood

These articles were originally published in the May 30, 1911 Indianapolis Sun. As I have noted elsewhere, the sensationalism of newspaper coverage dwelling on the potential of injuries and fatal accidents was prevelant and would be considered in poor taste today. There are three articles in this package, all focusing on the throngs of people swarming the race. The first talks about how all the hotels were packed, including the upscale Denison and Claypool Hotels. The German House, the Columbia Club, the University Club and the Menerchor - restaurants all - were open throughout the night. Many people camped and other took joy rides up and down Meridian Street.
The second article discusses the role of trains in moving race fans from cities throughout the midwest. Most of these passengers were young men and few carried baggage. Most arrivals went directly for the ticket counters of the Big Four lines headed out to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
The final article is a nice piece if you want a sense of the setting at the Speedway the day of the race. The flags, the weather, the fans roaming the grounds and their number building throughout the day.

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