Fairmount Park

One of the great road course races of the early 20th Century was held at Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. These articles discuss its first running in 1908. The first two articles are from Motor Age and are pretty extensive. They deserve more analysis than I have given to date. I intend to fix that soon. Don't let the brevity of this analysis lead you to believe there is not much here. Also, check out my analysis and primary reasearch for the 1909 Fairmount race.

This is coverage on the 1909 Fairmount Park road race in Philadelphia. The competition was for the "Founder's Week Trophy." It was organized by the Quaker City Motor Club.

This attached article (FairmountPark082308) was published in the August 23, 1908 Indianapolis Star and is about the intentions of the Philadelphia's Quaker City Motor Club's plans to stage a major road race - the first of its kind organized in a public park - Fairmount Park.

The article in attachment Oldfield101009 was originally published October 10, 1909 in the Indianapolis Star.