Chicago Auto Show - 1907

This is a collection of articles published about the Chicago Auto Show in the Indianapolis Star from February 3 to February 13, 1907. At this time in history the Chicago show rivaled the great New York Auto Show. Due to its relatively close proximity the show became especially attractive to Indianapolis-area manufacturers and dealerships, such as the Fisher Automobile Company. The show was held at the Chicago Coliseum and First Regiment Armory.
The Chicago Auto Show not only was front page sports section news in the Sunday, February 3, 1907 edition of the Indianapolis Star but the paper also devoted 8 pages to a special section on the show. Two attached documents provide the most relevant information to early auto racing. The sports section article (attachement title: ChicagoShow020307) is a nicely written and colorful piece describing how the show came together and providing insight to the production costs. It also underscores the enthusiastic support of Hoosier auto dealers and manufacturers. More useful are articles that appear in the special automobile section (attachement title: ChicagoShow2). My favorite article, "National a Factor," not only highlights products produced by Indianapolis Motor Speedway Founder Arthur C. Newby's National Motor Vehicle Company and sold at Carl Fisher's dealership. I am particularly pleased to see a listing of the salesmen for Fisher's business, including his right-hand man, Frank L. Moore. The others are: Frank B. Willis, F.E. Hunter and M.E. Haywood. The other article in this section I found useful discusses the Indiana Automobile Company and most especially one the brands it carried, Peerless. It provides a great summary of the features of their product line as well as a reference to Barney Oldfield and his Green Dragon racer. At this time the Indiana Automobile Company boasted that it was Oldfield's headquarters when he visit Indianapolis.
The attached article, "AutoShow020407," captures the burgeoning enthusiasm among the auto industry delegates as the time for opening the gates approached. The next article, "NationalPackard020507," presents three interesting points. First the story leads with news of what is effectively a bet between officers of the Packard Motor Company and the National Motor Vehicle Company about an endurance run over public roads between Indianapolis and Detroit and back. Secondly the enthusiasm at the show is aptly described with words painting a picture of packed aisles and displays at both the coliseum and the armory. Finally the article notes that race cars attracted exceptional interest as Vanderbilt Cup race cars such as those from Thomas and Haynes were front and center. It was a magic time of enthusiasm and competition as both vendors, enthusiastic consumers and window shoppers all wondered what amazing high technology would be delivered next - and by whom.
In the attached "AutoShow021007" the reports wrap up the show, stating that the industry enjoyed over $8 million is sales. The final attachment, "AutoShow021307" is the product of the Indianapolis Star interviewing the local automobile company officers as they returned to Indianapolis. I want to call to light the quote by Frank L. Moore of Fisher Automobile Company was quoted, "We did a business that was twice as large as we expected. Our line of cars certainly made a hit."

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