Indiana Auto Club - 1909

This article from the Indianapolis Star was published January 30, 1909 and reported on the Indiana Auto Club's forecast for the coming year. With a reported 8,800 registered automobiles across the State's 92 counties Club officials projected that the total would exceed 10,000 by the start of the spring driving season. More car owners and drivers meant more customers. The article also notes that construction of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway was underway and the giant track would attract a variety of motor racing events and the Club assumed they would benefit because the national parent organization, the American Automobile Association (AAA) was the official sanctioning body of all American auto racing.
According to the article the Club's officers included: H.O. Smith (President), Premier Motor Manufacturing Company Herbert Howard Rice (Secretary), Waverly and Frank Moore (Treasurer), Fisher Automobile Company. The AAA had "between 20,000 and 25,000 "members nationwide at the time. From the description of their activities at the time the raison d' tet of organization was to provide member services - such as route information - and lobby for laws relevant to automobile owners.

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