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Jake De Rosier - 1909
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This image of star motorcycle racer Jake De Rosier (Mark Dill authored the Wikipedia entry) appeared in the August 9, 1909, Indianapolis News. It was part of the promotional coverage leading up to the first motorized competition at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on August 14. At the time Canadian-born De Rosier was the most well-known and successful motorcycle racer in America. The caption that ran with the original photograph read as follows:
"The 'grand old man' in the motorcycle world is Jake De Rosier. He rides in the professional ranks and has ridden for the money there is in it more than anyone else. He is eligible to the two professional races to be held in the coming meet. He is the holder of the world's professional one-hundred-mile record and recently broke the record for twenty-five miles on the three-lap track at Springfield, Mass. He did the distance in 20 minutes, 12, 2-5 seconds. De Rosier rides Indian motorcycles. Amateur riders of national reputation who will ride Indians in the coming meet are Stubbs, champion of the south, Goerke and Chappelle, captain of the New York Motorcycle Club."
Check out these other entries about or relevant to De Rosier elsewhere on First Super Speedway:
- Jake De Rosier in 1909.
- Jake De Rosier Starts.
- Jake De Rosier Injured.
- Jake De Rosier.
- Jake De Rosier Profile.
- The 1909 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Motorcycle Race Meet And Jake De Rosier.
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