Fairmount Park - 1910

Chuck Rudy Jr. supplied the information for this report. Sam Myers was the original photographer and the images were supplied by photographer Mikel Yeakle. This image is from the Fairmount Park Motor Race in Philadelphia in 1910 won by Len Zengle in a Chadwick racer. 
The image documents the aftermath of the 1910 crash of the beautiful and locally built (Pottstown PA) Chadwick of Al Mitchell who, while in the lead of the race on the sixth lap (the course was eight-miles long, and the race was 200 miles, lost control on Neill Drive just after the railroad underpass.  Mitchell, his riding mechanician and a police officer had minor injuries and were fine in a few days.
You can find additional images from the Fairmount Park races elsewhere on First Super Speedway.


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