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Carl Fisher, Jane Watts
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This image of Indianapolis Motor Speedway Founder Carl Fisher and his new wife, the former Miss Jane Watts, appeared in the Indianapolis News evening paper for October 23rd, 1909. Their marriage ended in the 1920's, but they were lifelong friends. She wrote the first biographical book on Carl, which can be downloaded for free elsewhere on First Super Speedway. The book has been panned by historians for altering the facts to suit Jane's vanity. Most notably the idea that she was 15 when the couple wed. This revisionist reporting accommodated her desire to trim the reality of her age in her social circle. Speaking of a social circle, there should never be a mention of the Fisher-Watts marriage without a reference to his jilted girlfriend, Gertrud Hassler.
There was a short article associated with the photos and that appears below. In that article there was is a reference to Frank Moore who was the day-to-day executive manager of Fisher's automobile dealership and service garage. I believe Moore was a confidant of Fisher, and one of his closest business associates after Jim Allison and Art Newby, who co-founded the Speedway with him. Allison was also his partner at Prest-O-Lite and Newby, along with Fisher, had helped lead the Zig-Zag Bicycle Club of Indianapolis during the 1890's.
"One of the surprises in Indianapolis today was the marriage of Carl G. Fisher and Miss Jane Watts, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Watts, of 724 North Capitol Avenue, which was solemnized at noon at the Watts home, the Rev. Neil McPherson, pastor of the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher left at 12:20 o'clock for Chicago and from there will, it is expected, go to California and for a trip through Mexico. The bride is well known in social circles of the city and Fisher has almost an international reputation as an automobilist and aeronaut. Fisher desired to steal a march on his friends by surprising them, and, in measure, he did it.
While there has been a rumor of an engagement for several months, even the closest friends of Miss Watts and Mr. Fisher were unable to learn the true state of affairs. However, the friends accepted with a grain of salt the laughing denials made by Fisher and the young woman. Incidentally, the wedding arrangements caused some speed violations. Fisher appeared at the county clerk's office after 10 o'clock to get a license. He was accompanied by Frank L. Moore. There was a hitch when the marriage clerk informed Mr. Fisher that Miss Watts would have to sign the application for the marriage license.
This did not seem to disconcert Fisher and Moore. They left hurriedly and raced to the home of Miss Watts for her signature and then back again to the clerk's office. The ceremony was scheduled for 11 o'clock, but it was 11:20 before Mr. Fisher and Moore had completed the arrangements. Immediately after the ceremony, they went to the Union Station. The only persons present at the ceremony were the parents of the bride and Mrs. Ida G. Fisher, mother of Mrs. Fisher.
That Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are going to California and Mexico is not definitely known, as they refused to tell anything about their plans. However, Fisher said some time ago that he was going to California and Mexico is not definitely known, as they refused to tell anything about their plans. However, Fisher said some time ago that he was going to California, where he has interests, the company, of which he is president having constructed a plant in San Francisco. Miss Watts said to a young woman acquaintance some time ago that she was planning to make a trip through Mexico, and now the wedding journey has been figured by friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are expected to return to Indianapolis about December 1 and they will live at 500 North Capitol Avenue."
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