Various Oldfield Races & Items

This article appeared in the July 21, 1909 Indianapolis Star. It is a brief and odd item that reports on a traffic accident where superstar race driver Barney Oldfield was struck crossing Michigan Avenue in Chicago.

This item was published in the July 28, 1909 Indianapolis News and reports on Barney Oldfield driving his National "Old Glory" racer to a new mile record on the Lima, Ohio half-mile horse track.

The articles in the two attachments below report on a race meet that took place at the Douglas Park track in Louisville, Kentucky June 9, 1910. The stars of the meet were Barney Oldfield and Lewis Strang.

Barney Oldfield's flair for promotion was reflected in the names he gave his cars. For most of his career, he operated his own race team, purchasing race cars he thought had the mechanical guts to allow him to stand on the throttle and annihilate records. The car names were all a part of the Oldfield brand. Check out a sample:

This is a great, colorful article capturing a moment in American motorsport that excites the imagination.

Here you will find three attachments containing very brief articles, all pushing legendary racing hero Barney Oldfield front and center.

The Indianapolis News article in the attachment below was published November 15, 1909. It is so brief I am just transcribing the entire item and embedding links where appropriate. I have comments which appear under the transcription.