Lyne Faints at IMS

This image is of the scene when riding mechanic Herbert Lyne fainted in the pits beside the disabled car of National Motor Vehicle Company driver Johnny Aitken and his riding mechanic Claude Kellum. The image first appeared in the August 22, 1909 Indianapolis Star. It was part of the coverage of the tragic first auto racing event at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
These races were controversial due to the devastating fatal accidents on the first and third days of the meet. In all, five men were killed:

For Herbert Lyne the, the faintting spell was a huge stroke of good fortune. He had started the fateful final race of the entire meet - the Wheeler-Schebler Trophy - as driver Charlie Merz' riding mechanic. Duri  The National failed on the backstretch during the racepare, apparently needing a battery. Lyne ran the distance across the track in the hot sun but was not conditoned for such exertion. Eager to return to the fray, Kellum jumped on the chance. He sprinted back to Merz with a replacement battery or whatever was required. It was a fateful move.
After his narrow escape Lyne, whose nickname was "Red," retired from the role of riding mechanic. He continued with the National Company and popped up again on loan as a consultant to Jules Goux's winning Peugeot team in the 1913 Indianapolis 500.

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