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James West
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Featured Article
Image of The Week

This image is of James West, one of two spectators killed in a massive accident during the tragic first auto racing meet at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway August 19 - 22. The image first appeared in the August 23, 1909 Indianapolis Star.
James West was killed during the Wheeler-Schebler Trophy race on the third day of the meet. Another spectator, Homer Jolliff, perished in the incident as did the Claude Kellum, riding mechanic of the National Motor Vehicle Company car that triggered the devestating wreck. Other spectators were injured as well, including Henry Tapking.
The original caption published with this image read as follows:
"James West, 39 years old, a meat cutter employed by the Coffin-Fletcher Packing Company, was one of the victims in Saturday's accident at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. West was a spectator and was struck by a flying automobile when it left the course followed by the racers and dashed through a fence. He is survived by a widow and one step-daughter, now living in Kansas. West's father died about four months ago and his mother has been dead for a number of years. The Rev. A.R. Miles, pastor of Mayer Presbyterian Church, will officiate at the runteral services to be held at the residence, 541 West Merrill Street, tomorrow afternoon."
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