Bizarre Safety Gear - 1911

This shot is of Case driver Joe Jagersberger in what was purported to be the safety gear he would don for the first Indianapolis 500. There is no photographic evidence this cumbersome garb was ever used. Note that Jagersberger is referred to as "The Flying Dutchman" in the cutline even though the best information about the man that he was born in Austria.
The original cutline reads as follows:
"Few people know the care that is taken to prevent injury to the drivers of racing cars in the long races. Joe Jagersberger has posed for the camera man showing the way in which the average driver is prepared for the race. A support is strapped around tge abdomen and the arms are wrapped in tape from the elbows down to give the driver strength to hold the vibrating steering wheel in a long grind. Then the driver dons a head dress with shields for his ears against breaking the ear drum with the rush of air that comes in traveling at high rate of speed, gloves, face mask and goggles complete the preparations for the races. Jaggersberger will drive a Case in the 500 mile race at the Speedway today and is known to the racing drivers as "The Flying Dutchman." He is a driver of long experience and should make a showing in the race."

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