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Image of The Week

Here we see the starting field of a race at Atlanta Speedway during their November 1909 race meet. The No. 30 Fiat is the car Lewis Strang drove to seven victories during the five-day race meet. Beside him we also see J. Walter Christie in his Christie front-wheel drive racer. This is part of Ken Parrotte's extensive research on this Atlanta Speedway.
"In late June of 1909, the Atlanta Automobile Association was incorporated under Georgia laws by Asa Candler Jr. and Asa Candler, founder of the Coca-Cola company, Edward M. Durant, insurance, Forrest and George Adair, real estate, F.J. Coolidge, paint industry and R.J. Irwin. The corporation was capitalized at $250,000. Asa Candler, Jr. was made president and Edward M. Durant secretary. Nearby land was acquired by the Atlanta Automobile Association. Construction of the speedway began immediately with a goal of holding the first automobile race in November 1909 to coincide with the Atlanta Automobile Show November 6 – 13 (the first automobile exposition show in the south) to be held in the Atlanta Auditorium Armory and the New York City to Atlanta, New York Herald/Atlanta Journal Good Roads Tour November 1 – 9." - words by Ken Parrotte.
Also, check out the following images Ken provided. You'll find additional content with links to even more information elsewhere on First Super Speedway.
Asa Candler Jr., founder
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