Oldfield Records - 1909 & 1910

This article was published in the January 30, 1910 Indianapolis Star and focuses on the recent record-setting exploits of the ultimate barnstormer, the inimitable Barney Oldfield. The headline is curious in that it notes that Oldfield had recently returned "home" to Cleveland, Ohio - not far from Toledo where he grew up. The substance of the article was that Oldfield had recently set records in California and calls out in particular his new five mile "circular track" record set on the rutted, sandy surface of Ascot Park. He covered the distance in four minutes, 24 seconds. He also set new marks for two, three and four miles on the same run.
Oldfield was reportedly working on Christmas Day 1909 when he set new speed records for 11 to 15 miles. A week earlier he captured all records from 26 to 50 miles. The article seems to imply all this was accomplished with his 120 MPH Benz. This is not the Blitzen Benz which he had only recently acquired.
There is a reference to Oldfield smashing the speed track racing record for 25 miles that was previously owned by Ralph DePalma in the Fiat Cyclone. Although it is not cited in the article I believe this concerns his winning performance in a 25 mile race at the inaugural auto race meet at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in August 1909.
The article praises Oldfield for being a competitive at the time as he was in younger days with the Winton Bullet and the Peerless Green Dragon. It notes his frustration with a car of his own design which I believe is the "Old Glory" racer constucted to his specifications by National Motor Vehicle Company.

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