Indianapolis Pushes for Glidden Starting Point

These two attachments are Indianapolis Star articles from February 1910 and report on the push by the Indianapolis Automobile Industry to win the opportunity to be the starting point for the upcoming Glidden Tour endurance run. In the end, they would fail as the event started in Cincinnati.
Still, on February 11, 1910, and in the wake of that year's Chicago Auto Show, hopes remained high among the Hoosier motoring faithful that they could pull down the plum. H.O. Smith, president of the Premier Motor Manufacturing Company, returned to Indianapolis from the show reporting that the city's chances were bright but the local manufacturers needed to "get busy." Smith was also serving as president of the Indianapolis Automobile Trade Association (IATA).
The Indianapolis Motor Speedway was seen as an ace in the hand of the Hoosier capital city leaders as it was for other efforts such as bringing the international aviation and national automotive shows to town. The article reports that the boosters felt races could be conducted at the track in conjunction with the Glidden start to attract a larger audience.
As for the Chicago auto show, Smith had nothing but praise. He touted the decorations as excellent and the concept of "society day," which commanded higher ticket prices, as an excellent idea that proved profitable.
This article also discusses another endurance event, the Wahlgreen Trophy, which was offered by George A. Wahlgreen of Denver. This event was to start May 2 in Denver and travel through New Mexico, part of Texas and nine states of Mexico. Premier had entered the run with driver Ray McNamara.
The second article (attachment Glidden022310), published on February 23, 1910, concerns persistent rumors that Indianapolis would win the competition to launch the 1910 Glidden Tour. Smith reported that he was leaving for New York to meet American Automobile Association (AAA) officials "face-to-face and make a last stand in the interests of his home city."
From the report, it is apparent that Smith wanted to cut through the fog and get to the bottom line. He is quoted, "Only one thing blocks the way for Indianapolis. If the AAA officials have positively committed to Cincinnati we stand a poor chance, but if they can honorably back out of the Cincinnati claim we will without a doubt get the start of the tour."
Smith also offered the insight that the Moline Company was the top candidate to provide the Pathfinder car for the Glidden, a sterling honor for automobile companies in those days. An announcement on the award by the AAA was imminent.
David Beecroft, a top AAA official operating out of Chicago, confirmed there was serious interest in Indianapolis as the starting point but a big factor was the cooperation of the city's Hotel Keeper's Association and a promise not to boost prices. Indianapolis Motor Speedway leadership had already appealed with success to the hotel managers not to raise prices during the dates of their race events.

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