Great Articles on Lewis Strang

Attached is an article (attachment Strang100408)that was published in the Indianapolis Star on October 4, 1908 - the greatest year of Lewis Strang's career. This article summarizes an interview the author apparently had with Strang about the risks of racing. Strang stresses that the best drivers have a thorough knowledge of the mechanics and design of their race cars. He also asserts that great eyesight - and what apparently is the product of experience - is an asset because you need the judgment to decide when your car fits between cars to pass them. To this point he said:
"Every driver knows almost postively just what his car can do on a dangerous turn. Having acquired that knowledge every driver will just hold his car to the minimum for, in case of a bursting tire, he would be able to retain control of the machine."
Strang also dismissed the notion great physical strength was necessary to excel in the sport - which would seem to argue in favor of female contestants, but this was not discussed. Strang felt agility and endurance were far more important.
"Strength counts for very little in a driver, but rather nerves, quickness and endurance. Speed in a car frequently may avert an accident, as the driver, having his car at its highest speed seems to be able to lift the front of the machine and place it away from danger. To hesitate even for a fraction of a second at such a crisis might mean death."
Perhaps Strang's best advice is really about dedication. This is revealed in anothe of his comments:
"Ever since I first grasped a steering wheel and knew how to drive an auto my main idea was to learn how to drive my best," Strang is quoted.
His advice on diet, however, is suspect. His favorite energy boosters? Chocolate and champagne!
"A few cakes of chocolate washed down with a little fizz will have a marvelous effect," Strang reported.
Since the 100th anniversary Indianapolis 500 in 2011 more has been written about the driver that started on the pole for that race, Lewis Strang. Hemmings published this interesting article about Strang. The Hemmings article has problems, such as the view that Strang won the pole for the 1911 Indianapolis 500. This is incorrect. He was assinged the pole by virtue of being the first car entered in the big race. Nonetheless the article has interesting information and an outstanding collection of photographs. I wrote the profile on Strang at and made every effort to research it extensively, double check the facts and present something worthy of Strang's memory.
Also attached is a PDF of the program for a memorial event to commemorate Strang's life on the 100th anniversary of his passing. Please note that while the program credits me with having written the article that is in error. The article is a re-print of the Hemmings publication. Attached is an article that was published in the Indianapolis Star on October 4, 1908 - the greatest year of Strang's career. This article summarizes an interview the author apparently had with Strang about the risks of racing.

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