Indianapolis Motor Speedway Aviation Show - June 1910

One of the most unique chapters of Indianapolis Motor Speedway history was the June 1910 aviation show. Speedway President Carl Fisher loved leading edge technology, and he was almost as fascinated with aviation as race cars. This folder is packed with articles about that six day event which featured appearances by the Wright brothers and their star pilot, 21 year old Walter Brookins, who set a world altitude record at the meet. Carl Fisher got into the act, riding with Orville Wright in one of his pipe and stretched silk biplanes at dusk on one of the evenings. Fisher and Wright, fully exposed to the elements, laid on their stomachs, the Speedway president white-knuckling the metal pipe structure.

This article first appeared in the April 8, 1910 Indianapolis Star.

This amazing article written by the outstanding motorsports journalist Peter Paul "P.P." Wllis first appeared in the Sunday, April 17, 1910 Indianapolis Star.

This brief article was first published in the April 21, 1910 Indianapolis Star. It concerns the entry of famed aviator Lincoln Beachey in the June 1910 aviation show at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

The attached article was originally published in the April 28, 1910 Indianapolis Star.

The article in this attachment originally appeared in the May 8, 1910 Indianapolis Star.