Apperson & Willis-Holcomb Co.

This ad was placed in the Sunday, August 15, 1909 Indianapolis Star by the Willis-Holcomb Company, an Indianapolis automobile dealership. It featured the Apperson four cylinder, five passenger touring car they sold with a call out for another of the marques they featured - Packard. Note that Frank Willis was the president.
The image embedded in the ad shows Harris Henshue winning the Ferris Trophy, one of two events conducted in Santa Monica, California in July 1909. This was the first in a series of 15 races that would be conducted on the Santa Monica public roads course off and on through 1919. Henshue drove an Apperson "Jack Rabbit," a racing version of the marques that was widely respected as a speedy machine. The Apperson Automobile company was based in Kokomo, Indiana and founded by Edgar Apperson, an accomplished amateur racer.
The ad was placed in a special automobile section that Sunday in anticipation of the first auto races at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The copywriter urges readers to pay special attention to the Apperson entries in the races.

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