Barney Oldfield Images

Images from Barney Oldfield's racing career. Many of these are items collected from photocopies of newspapers preserved on microfilm. Many of the original photos have been lost to the ages, so some of these images rescued in this manner may be all that remains. While the quality is inferior by today's standards, they still provide interesting information about Oldfield and the events he participated in.

St Louis Start 1904

This shot is from August 29, 1904 at the St. Louis dirt oval that hosted the Louisiana Purchase Trophy race. There were only three entries, with A.C. (Alonzo) Webb and Barney Oldfield the favorites. Oldfield was in his famous Peerless Green Dragon racer which he had used to establish dozens of speed records on similar tracks across the country. This was not to be a good day for Oldfield or the racing community in general.

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