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I just loaded a big batch of content under my section of articles on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway's 1909 motorcycle race meet. It doesn't pertain to auto racing, but it involves the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and that's all I need to know. This collection contains the bulk of the articles that were written in Indianapolis newspapers (Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis News and Indianapolis Sun) during August 1909 as the city prepared for the first motorized competition at the new Speedway, and, of course, the articles written about the meet itself. I used a lot of this material in preparing the article I wrote for the 2008 MotoGP Program. This is fascinating material. You can learn a lot about Jake DeRosier, the champion rider who sustained serious injuries on the rugged, crushed stone track. Also, check out some quotes by Carl Fisher concerning comparisons between the Speedway and Brooklands, the concrete high banked track in England. This is a great collection and a must read for anyone wanting to learn more about this incredible historic event. I still need to do more work on this collection as I intend to write individual summaries for each article to assist searches and decision making on what PDF files to bother open.