Indianapolis Motor Speedway's July 1910 Race Meet
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Image of The Week
Over the weekend I loaded the latest collection of articles about the early days of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. This package covers the Speedway's July 1910 race meet. This was a turning point for the Speedway when management realized they needed to look at a different entertainment proposition as they saw precipitous declines in attendance. The races were controversial too, as the Buick team dominated only to be disqualified before the month was out over violations of stock car regulations. Their victories were nullified, promoting others to more prominent positions in history's record book.
If you haven't noticed, a giant library of news coverage of pre-WWI events at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is emerging on this site. There is plenty in here to keep anyone busy for a while and much, much more is coming. Stay tuned for complete coverage of the first Indianapolis 500 and events leading up to it, the March 1910 Indianapolis auto show, the 1912 Indianapolis 500 and additional articles on the September 1910 race meet. Let's call this "The Essentials" for anyone serious about the Indianapolis Motor Speedway centennial.