Brooklands 1937


I came across this YouTube video of the 1937 Sir Malcolm Campbell Trophy at the Brooklands track in England. It is interesting to see this historic track in its full glory. The film quality is what it is for 1937. The track was shut down in 1939 due to World War II and was never completely restored. Fortunately, portions of it remain, including a test hill where vintage vehicle time trial climbs are still conducted. Also, the Brooklands Museum remains a major tourist draw. The Campbell Trophy was won by Prince Briabongse Bhanudej Bhanubandh, better known as Prince Bira or the Prince of Siam (Thailand), driving a Maserati.


Brooklands was built in 1907 by the hugely wealthy Hugh Fortescue Locke King, a fact that gave Indianapolis Motor Speedway founder Carl Fisher heartburn. Fisher had been thinking about a giant test track for years, but to the good Englishman's credit, he beat old Carl to the punch. Fisher's annoyance with that development has been cited elsewhere on this site.